
Hi, I'm Ray
And we are The Contractors CEO
For the past 26 years, we have had the pleasure of building 5 companies around the world that had one mission…to dominate that market by bringing more value to our customers than anyone else could.
We have also had the privilege to serve in the past 19 years clients from a coach/consultant perspective helping them build their dream business. Our unique philosophy, experience, and expertise allowed us to not only make it through 2 major recessions and multiple down turns, but to thrive on the other side by sticking to our mission and serving at the highest levels.
Our clients commonly say the same thing….”whatever TCC tells us to do, we do it and the results speak for themselves”. Our mission continues today with helping busy contractors to move from being an owner operator to a business owner and live their dreams while having the business they have always wanted.
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Come and hangout in our Facebook group where we share valuable tips, have open discussions and of course, you'll get exclusive intel on any programs we have coming up.
Our YouTube channel is full of trainings on different topics that will help you feel more in control of your contracting company.
Watch our videos here!

Right now, most contractors:
Are struggling to implement a reliable system to grow their business
Are having the worst time getting material, not to mention having to cancel jobs due to sky high material costs up 30-40 or even 50%
Feel chained to their company, with little to no free time for themselves
Are bringing in 1 to 5 million, but after taxes, labor costs and other expenses are left with pennies
Have a constant revolving door of labor, unable to hold on to the skilled workers they need to grow
Want to focus on the big picture, but are so busy putting out fires they just can’t find the time
Are stressed knowing they’re leaving money on the table because they just aren’t set up to scale
Are secretly embarrassed that they should be further along than this, and yet always feel like they’re moving one step forward then one step back!
What our clients are saying