Since you're here, I wanted to share the top 5 mistakes that will keep you from scaling profit,
doubling your income, and even building a team that would take you to high 7-figures.
Every day as business owners you face one challenge after another. The truth is, you have
already faced some of the biggest challenges of your life and they came from your business.
How you handled them, whether you believe you failed or succeeded, builds your muscle to
tackle the ones yet to come.
Whatever is confronting you today, the answers are already there for you. Someone,
somewhere has solved this problem and knows how to fix it. Let’s learn from those who
started out the same as you but are now doing 7-8 figures in the construction industry.
Let's dive in.
Mistake #1 - Lack of a System to Run Your Business:
This is something we talk about all the time in our program. What does this actually mean?
Having systems in place can range from having a payroll system to a highly efficient way of
finding, ordering, and getting materials to the job. A lot of the time, especially with contractors, we
settle for the results we get along the way to the goal.
Using a system designed for contractors gives you power to leverage your time, money, and
resources. Every ounce of time saved is another dollar in your pocket.

Having systems not only helps you navigate multiply jobs at one time, but it also helps to keep
YOU organized so you can easily know what's happening in the business at all times. We call
that CEO Optics. Not to mention, this gives you way more free time to make more money and
spend more time doing the things you love.
Mistake #2 - Hiring Warm Bodies & No Training Process:
This is something that even other industries can learn from, but if you're a contractor, then you know how important it can be to get a crew together and trained fast.
Today you can’t just place an ad and get 8 qualified people who reply. You must appeal to your
ideal employee. During this (Once in a generation) super tight labor market, you have to find
those who are looking for you, but they just don’t know it yet.
Everyone one has something they are not happy with at their current job. Your goal is to speak to
what they are not happy with and show them how that is solved by working for you. What I mean
is, you must cast a wide net showing them why they would benefit more from working for you
than anyone else.
Create a training and reward program to help your team grow and be part of your company, so
they will have no reason to look elsewhere.
Mistake #3 - Too Many Jobs at Once:
Have you ever looked at the next few weeks or months and thought "hell ya, that's a full plate!",
and then immediately after, thought "I do not have the time or resources for all this work..."
If you have, then you're not alone.
When we become experts at our trade, one of the easiest parts about business is the sales.
People want what you can provide because you're damn good at it.
But the issue with that is we start to take on an influx of jobs, and don't have the systems, team or
resources to handle it all. Instead, put more effort in your hiring process when building your team
while you build your revenue.
It doesn't mean you'll get less work; it means that your customers will be more satisfied with the
end result, and you'll feel more confident sending your guys out to work. And in the end, your
business will thrive because of it.
Mistake #4 - Adopt the "Hustle" Mentality:
This is an important piece of the puzzle. We don’t mean you don't have to work hard to get
yourself going. What we mean is by the time you're 5-7 years in, you should not be "hustling"

This causes extreme burnout and prevents us from ever reaching our goal, which is
to enjoy what we make with our family and not have to work so hard for the rest of our lives.
Understanding this will make your business grow. Look, you are in a season (early stage of your
business) and when you are 0-5 years in your business you hustle, but understand the goal is to
leverage and build a system so you can enter the growth season (the mature stage). This is
when your profit grows more than your revenue.
Mistake #5 - Skeptic Mindset:
This last one is a little more in depth, but it's a very important piece of the puzzle. I know that
this is common because I was a contractor, too, and I was very skeptical when it came to
anything "mindset + construction"……. What does that even mean?
Well luckily, we've been through all of it, and we can finally connect the dots for you.
All of the above points we made cannot be addressed if we don't start looking at how we think
about our business. And it's not something we were ever taught in the construction industry.
We build, we pour concrete, we get our hands dirty, we make money, and we go home.
But if you're the owner, and you run the show, then your job is a lot bigger than that.
Your job is to keep your employees happy and working well, to keep your clients satisfied, and
to make sure all the logistics are covered. It's a lot to put on one person’s plate, and part of
what we teach is how to delegate tasks effectively, too.
But before that, you have to wrap your head around the fact that this isn't a one man show…….
It can't be, or else you' burn out and quit or you'll be stuck working till you're 90, and filled with
anxiety that you can't even really pinpoint.
Doesn't sound fun, does it?
It's a different concept, I know, but I promise that if you're open to learning, then this could be
the number one thing that changes your business.
If you want to learn more, stop by our website and say hi or check out our blog about 3 Shifts You